Thursday, January 7, 2010

Inspire Daily

Today I opened up my secondary e-mail account; you know, the one I use for when I buy things online, or the one I use when I sign up for things, or the one I use to have all notifications sent to ... basically, the one I rarely check.

Much to my surprise, I see this:

I finally made the Brooks I.D. program! Apparently I am an inspiration! I finally am a real athlete! I officially have a sponsor! I will now get credit, recognition, and (wooo!) a discount to rep all things Brooks. I even get a special shirt to wear during races, so there goes part of that all-encompassing race-day wardrobe dilemma!

From the Brooks Web site:

Brooks I.D. Program
Brooks I.D. stands for Inspire Daily. These two simple words guide the principles of the program. Brooks I.D. is made up of over 2,000 members who are active in their running communities and share a passion for the Brooks brand. They are runners who are winners in their own right: Winning their age divisions, accomplishing their personal goals, pushing their own limits, and, by extension, encouraging others to do the same. They are coaches, mentors, and leaders.

You are looking at the newest 2010 I.D. member. Now let's go run! :)

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